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Church Diary
Good News
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Good News


As the minister of Lindfield United Reformed Church I’d like to welcome you. I hope that as you get to know us that you will find we are a friendly gathering of followers of Jesus Christ. We meet on the High Street in Lindfield, West Sussex and are part of the United Reformed Church, a national denomination in the UK.

Around 120 people worship with us every Sunday at one of our services. We have a church membership of just under 140 and our various youthwork programmes see about 100 different children and young people every week.

We believe in God’s Word made known to us in the Bible, and trust that by His Holy Spirit, He will reveal His plan for our lives. Whether you are very young, or with more experience of life, we provide an opportunity for you to worship and encounter God, on Sundays and during the week.

Please join with us, explore the website, or get in touch, to discover more.

Every blessing

Rev Keith Morrison

For more information about...

Our Serices
Our Vision
Youth Work
Regular Activities

Visit us

50 High Street
West Sussex
RH16 2HL
See Map

Rev Keith Morrison